It’s Sunny. Let’s have a Barby!

It has been awfully sunny today across England and what a great start to my week of holiday. Just what I needed a little dose of sunshine. I think for most of the northwest it was 27 degrees C and that is definitely scorching hot in the area.

So since it’s sunny my friend’s and I decided to have a barby! Spent 20 quid on the pork belly and marinated it for a few hours and voila! The most heart stopping and artery popping barbecue one can ever have!

It was so nice to sit in the sun and lounge about and do nothing. You know not caring about the sun might go away for a bit of it might get a bit cloudy or worse start raining. I was sat out in the sun and put on my sun block lotion(yes, gotta take care of my brown skin as well) and it was just glorious. My friends started asking me why I want to be dark or even darker. Well, first of all I am not and never will join the Asian bandwagon of wanting to be fairer skinned or white. No. Just no. I love my brown skin. I have said a million times before that my skin and my legs are the only two things in my body I am not insecure about. People pay to have my skin colour, okay?!

Back to the barby. My friends and I all thought that the 20 quid  worth of pork belly meat was a bit too much. I mean we were still doing the barby until 730 pm and we started at 3 pm! I felt like we were going to feed the whole town! So we were able to munch on it by 8 pm but even before that we were already munching on the cooked meat! It’s just so nice to pick and munch while you are doing the barby! It just adds to the whole experience! The only thing missing was a cold cider or a sub zero beer. Oh wait. I’m not in the Philippines. Okay, cold cider then.


your typical Filipino barbecue / heart stopping and artery popping

I made some sort of salad. I always feel like with Filipino barby there should always be a salad. Like what I said earlier it’s the most heart stopping and artery popping barby one can have! The salad should counteract that. At least there was something healthy on the table. The salad was made of cherry tomatoes, cucumber, bell peppers, mango and avocado. Added a pinch of salt and pepper and about two teaspoons of balsamic vinegar. It was quite refreshing. And may I just add–any salad with balsamic vinegar always taste nice!

By the time we finished eating I felt like I was going into food coma. I was drowsy and was very tired. Probably the sun exposure today drained me of all my energy. So we said our goodbyes at around 930 pm (yes, I know. old people retire early). I watched a bit of telly when I got home and then dozed off. And now, I am writing this entry. Bizarre does not even cut it.
